Posted by:
at Sat Mar 28 11:58:45 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
I kinda understand what your talking about with your definitions, my confusion is based on approach and usage. When you talk to a actual geneticist about this and I have, they have another view. You say, co dom is like a recessive but different, and polygenic also similar but different, etc. Not your actual words. You seem to want this categories to be exacting. yet they are far from exacting. That geneticist explained to me that we create these categories as a teaching tool, the reality is, they are not all so confined. My interest comes from nature, which is totally different then deli cupping genetics. please no offense. Basically we have normal color and patterns, and recessives, like Leu, albino, melanistic and axanthic. The normal genetics consist of co doms and multifactorial(polygenic) etc. When describing these, the word, "usually" occurs, because of the prevalence of exceptions. This areas are heavily influenced by phenotype(S factors) which is missing in captivity. What I am sorta getting at is, the normal genetics like cod and multifactorial, always include a range of results. degree of red, yellow and black. Which appears to be random within the genetics. That is, all clutches will vary in these traits, even with the same genetic mode. this is revealed in the constant range of neonates produced. As in, no two look alike. So, yes, I understand you CAN pick examples in those clutches and call them this or that. But you also pick other examples in the very same clutches and call it something else. hence the confusion. Heres a pic of a Mexican hog. not mine  Please understand, its not about right or wrong.
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