Posted by:
at Tue Aug 11 22:41:55 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by courtnielove ]
I am still new at raising possums too, but i have had 3 for nearly 2 months now, I give them baby formula I leave it out all the time for them to get as they want it, cat food is also good for them, the one you have is probably too old to keep as a pet, When i got these only 1 of them had their eyes open and they don't hiss at people anymore, you could try to keep it but it would probably be best to let it go when it gets big enough, possums are ready to leave when they are 6 inches long NOT COUNTING their tail. You also REALLY NEED to give them cream, which is around the sour cream in the fridges at wal-mart or wherever. I have read all I can find on them and this was very important so they do not get the muscle disease many get when humans keep them, because they do not feed them properly.
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