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at Tue Nov 4 15:14:39 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by abeercan01 ]
Hey everybody,
this is my first time posting on the fish forums. I usually hang arount the reptile and amphibian forums.
Recently, i decided i wanted to have another fish aquarium in my living room. I went and bought a 29 gallon aquarium with a stand, the nessecary chemicals for things like ammonia, chlorine, etc. and all of the other "stuff".
I set my aquarium up and let it run for almost 2 weeks before i put anything into it. The first thing i bought were four ghost shrimp. They were still living after a few days, so i purchased a plecostomas "spelling?". After a few more days, i bought an oscar and 2 red minnows. I had originally intended for the red minnows to be feeder fish, but the oscar has no interest in them.
Everything seems to be going fine, but the oscar hasnt eaten or atleast i havent seen him eat at all in the week ive had him.
lastnight i noticed what looked like ich on the oscar, so i treated the water according to the directions on the back of the bottle.
A few hours later, i went to feed the fish. I noticed the oscar was doing backflips in the water. He seems fine otherwise, but every now and then i catch him doing these backflips, or positioning himself straight up in the water and spinning.
The red minnows and the sucker fish seem to be acting perfectly normal.
I just wanted to get the opinion of some people who are more knowledgeable when it comes to fish.
Thanks for any advice, or info y'all can give me.
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- possible problem with fish?? - abeercan01, Tue Nov 4 15:14:39 2008