Posted by:
at Thu Dec 18 18:34:53 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by medic ]
what is falconry and hawking? Falconry is define as the sport of taking wild game with a trained Bird of Prey ie Hawks, Falcons and in some states Golden Eagles may be used. In order to get involed with falconry You should first consider the amount of time and expense that is involed, also to practice falconry you should understand that it is a form of Hunting and depending on your state has a min. age requirements in my state it's 15 yrs. Also you would have to take a State Falconry Exam and once that is done you should check with your state Wildlife Div. and find out if it is legal in your state (Which unless you live in Hawaii it would be. The next step is to find out if there any local falconer's that would be willing to let you go out with them when they go out with their birds.
what spiecies are commonly kept for them, That depends on your state regs, But usually it,s a Redtail hawk which the birds that most falconer's start out with again it may vary with your state.
and if there is a begginer speicie for it what size cage does it need and what tempetures can it satand? Falconry birds live outside in a Mew and the size again depends on your state regs.
also i know this is the wrong forum but does anyone know anything about keeping vultures? I am not sure if you can keep a vultures ? Your State Fish and Wildlife Div. would be the best place to start you maybe able to get a Special Purpose Permit. can't get into this stuff but interested. I hope that I was able to help you with your quest. Good Luck Medic
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