Posted by:
at Sat Jun 13 13:51:10 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by lytlesnake ]
I have some kingsnakes, and I raise some feeder mice for them in my garage. The local blue jays fly into the garage and grab a mouse sometimes. Since it's probably their favorite food source, they built a nest about 25 feet away. The nest is in a slender pine tree which touches the lower roof of my two story house.
So that's the back story. Yesterday I saw one of the baby blue jays on a lower branch near the ground. The parents seemed a little distraught at first, then later the parents were gone. The baby jay was still there, just sitting on a branch. I was afraid one of the local neighborhood cats would get it, as they also prowl around my garage. I went to the "Features" section of this website and read an article about rescuing baby birds. The article said the first thing to do is put the bird back in the nest. I managed to do this without injuring the little bird at all. I was proud of myself.
Then this morning I heard the blue jays screaming. The damn cat had one of their babies in its' mouth. I chased the cat but it got away. I was bummed. So I looked around the nest area, and there was a baby jay up near the nest, and another one on a lower branch again. Then I looked again a while later and I couldn't see either one.
Maybe the parents are building a new nest in a cat proof location? Could they be in the process of transferring the babies to somewhere else? I'm not sure what to do. Since it looks like the cat can get to their first nest via the roof, I'm not going to put any more babies back in that nest. I guess I'll probably have to just leave them alone and let nature take its' course. I've been leaving some superworms out for these jays, since I've been keeping the garage closed whenever I'm not in there now.
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