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RE: a new problem arises (help)

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Posted by: PH Cody at Mon Nov 8 08:44:26 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PH Cody ]  

OK...I'd say I don't mean to scare you but in truth, sounds like you need to be...this is a VERY dangerous situation that you are putting yourself in.

You need to find a safe enclosure to keep him in while you are riding her. He either needs a stout stall or a small paddock that he can not shove through or go over. I've found that round ring panels work well for this and if he's small, you can get away with making a 4 panel "stall" with them. With my stud, I had to use at least 6 or he could push them over, but he was a good 16.1 and stout as an ox. If he throws a fit - he'll get over it. Honest. Just like babies getting weaned get over their temper tantrums. He needs to learn to deal with life without the mare right beside him at all times, or not only is he going to get worse about being possessive with her while you work with her, it will also make it much harder for you to work with him.

Letting him run along beside you puts you in danger. He could kick back at the mare and either cause her to do something that gets you thrown or he could kick or strike you. Trust me, I've taken a kick to the knee before in a much more controled environment when a rider passed too close to me and my horse, and its not pleasant! It is never safe to ride with a lose horse running around you, and even more dangerous when he's already proven that he's quiet willing to try to throw his weight around and boss the mare a bit.

You need to make time to work with each horse by themselves, not with the other horse. And when working with them, you should insist on their attention. If he's dancing around calling for her, he's NOT paying attention to you or where you are and things will end up with you getting hurt. Face it, even when they are small horses they are significantly bigger than us! If he neighs, give him a firm "NO" and make him back several steps until he's paying attention. At first, you will have to do this A LOT because he's gotten away with not paying attention, but he'll come around. Its the same method we use with our stallions that we take to shows and expect to stand works, just takes persistance and patience. Do the same with the mare, though she sounds like she's got a bit more sense and won't take as many reminders!

When he's out in the pasture with her, that's when he can be a horse When he's being worked, or she's being worked, they need to remember that they aren't out in the pasture!
PH Cody
HorseHobbyist Site Coordinator

Come join our Saturday Night Barn Party from 9-11 also! PHRitters is always ready to party


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>> Next Message:  RE: a new problem arises (help) - ElusiveKimmaby, Tue Nov 16 22:45:08 2004

<< Previous Message:  Got a mare! Love at first sight... a new problem arises (help) - ElusiveKimmaby, Sun Oct 31 22:26:43 2004