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RE: New home - introducing cats

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Posted by: cyclopsgrl at Fri Sep 29 17:31:04 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]  

Since it's two issues, I'll split my thoughts and then come together...

1. New House. When I moved my boys from their home of many years to the brand new condo, I did a lot of reading. The bottom line I read and experienced is that the cat(s) need to start small in a room and spend a week or as long as needed rather than being thrust in a whole new house at once. My boys stayed closed up in my bedroom with food/water/litter/toys for a week before they started acting like they were "comfortable" and wanted to venture out -- but stuck to my room as a "safe" room as it was established as that the first week. After a week of venturing, they were very comfortable in the new condo (took about two weeks total). Two things that may have made the transition longer for my boys -- the contractors were still working on the upper units (lots of noise during the day) and I had ceiling fans, which they had never seen. They spent the first 24 hours under my bed and didn't eat, drink, or use the litter box. I then pulled them out one at a time (the more outgoing cat first) and petted them and coaxed them in the litter box and to eat/drink. They kept looking at the ceiling fan like it was a monster the whole time (it was off). But, don't be surprised if one of your cats hides out. I would let them hid out for a few hours, but recommend coaxing them out after a few hours and work with them to use the box, eat, etc., if they aren't out wandering in their "room" anyway.

2. New Meetings. Since it seems to work best to keep new cats separated from each other a couple weeks anyway, you may just want to give them separate rooms from day one for the first week or so. Then when they want to venture out, I'd let one venture with the other closed in a room and vice versa. I'd rub towels on the cats and let them sniff. And then maybe have one in a cat carrier and let the other sniff and vice versa. All of this gradual over several days.

3. Happy Harmony. First I'd tackle the fear of the new house and keep the cats totally separate for a week or so. Then start with the slow integration with each other when they are "comfortable" in the house. It may be easier since both will be new to the house. Something to consider -- Whichever cat you keep in your bedroom, if you do, may be most territorial towards that room. You may want to consider giving them each a room not your bedroom...
Stanley and Pookey


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