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RE: A Cat 'meows'. Yes it sounds so good but

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Posted by: gocatgo at Sun Mar 11 12:07:34 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]  

I don't really know about other people's cats but with my four, they always have a reason when they 'meow' and I can usually tell what they are requesting with the meow.

For example, a soft 'mew' or 'meow' is a standard greeting meaning 'hello'. Several 'meows' or 'mews' means that they are excited. They are happy to see me.

A mid pitch 'meow' means that they want something to eat. Katrina and KatyKatt will repeat it over and over again, sitting and looking me straight in the eye, until I give them some food. For Katrina, it means 'I want some dry food in my bowl' and KatyKatt is requesting me to open another can. If I'm overdue on their feeding, like if I work late, they'll all be sitting by their empty food dishes and all will be meowing at the same time, demanding to be fed. ha! This 'meow' is very insistent and demanding.

Katrina and Simba both have this long, drawn-out 'meow' while standing by the deck door, meaning 'I want to go out and play on the deck'.

If I accidently step on one of them, I'll hear this long, drawn out high-pitched 'meow' like they are in pain. There's no mistaking what this meow means. Whoops, sorry kitty.

Sometimes one of them will tell on another and I'll hear this low pitched 'mrrowww' meaning 'Samantha won't get out the box and let me have a turn'.

Many times when I'm sitting in a chair or on the couch talking to somebody or I'm on the computer, Samantha will do this 'Pick me up meow'....tap, tap, tap, followed by a soft 'mew'.

And finally there's the 'night crazies' meow that Simba has. About once a week, when we're all in bed, he'll start wandering through the house and has this soft, low, whining sort of 'meow'. It sounds like he's searching for something and lasts for a couple of minutes. Then he settles down in his little bed and goes to sleep.

Before Samantha was spayed and was in heat, she had this ear piercing meow, calling for a mate. It sounded like she was in a lot of pain.

Oh yes, they have this one other Meow that they use too. I like to call it the 'tattle-tale meow'. They will use it to tell on another cat like when Simba is threatening Samantha with his paw up. She'll just say "meow", meaning "mom". I'll say 'knock it off, Simba' and he leaves her alone.

I'm sure that you all can understand your 'cat speak' too.

Ruby and the Kitties
Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt
Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!

How wonderful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Meow!


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>> Next Message:  RE: A Cat 'meows'. Yes it sounds so good but - Pook, Sat Mar 24 14:11:28 2007
>> Next Message:  RE: A Cat 'meows'. Yes it sounds so good - PHTessie, Sat Mar 24 23:20:11 2007

<< Previous Message:  A Cat 'meows'. Yes it sounds so good but - pettycatty, Sat Mar 10 12:22:55 2007