Posted by:
at Tue Oct 21 15:04:41 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SnakesAndStuff ]
As sad as it is, there are some sick people out there. DO NOT support anyone that does these surguries themselves. I have also heard of a case where a person wanted a venomoid snake. The person he was buying it from did not agree with having such a surgury done to snakes so he lied to the buyer just to "punish" him. The snake was sent to the buyer and was a Gaboon Viper, which had never gone through any surgury at all. The buyer who was expecting a snake that was not venomous or dangerous in any way. As you can guess, he was bit, and did not survive, and the seller is now in prison for murder. If I can find the ad again I will post a link to it.
I've never heard of this before (doesn't mean it didn't happen). Do you have any proof of this? Extraordinary claims call for extraordinary evidence.
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