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Introduction gone bad, is all ruined?

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Posted by: laurag29 at Sun Feb 20 13:36:25 2005  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by laurag29 ]  

Hi, I just adopted an 8 month old kitten (male) and brought him home to meet my 5 month old kitten (male). Per the advice of many of the posts here, I set up one room for the new cat and put his own water, food, litter in the room and shut the door. Within a few hours, he was crying to get out and was friendly and comfortable with his surroundings, but I simply would go in and play with him and then leave the room. Meanwhile, my resident kitten was anxiously scratching at the door trying to see the new cat. They growl and meow at each other under the door and stick their paws underneath. I've switched them at night so my kitten sleeps in with me, and the new cat has a chance to put his scent on the rest of my small place.

The problem - yesterday while I was out doing laundry, my kitten must have pushed the door open to the room and when I came in they were rolling around the house chasing and tackling each other. It was a very energetic fight. I don't know how many minutes this had gone on before I came in, but they were each panting heavily. I carefully separated them and put the new cat back in his room. No blood was drawn, but quite a few growls. Now, I can't get them away from the door. Each of them cry all day wanting to get at each other, and it is a struggle to open the door to give them food or water without them both sneaking in or out of the room.

Has it already gone too far? Will they be adversaries for life or is there a way to start this over when they obviously know the other one is right outside the door? It's only been a few days since the new cat came home, and I'd really like to be able to keep him.

would appreciate any advice. sorry for the novel.


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