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RE: Rocky Introduction

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Posted by: gocatgo at Fri Feb 25 23:42:54 2005  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]  

I think that your older cat, the female, is feeling threatened by the 'intrusion' of another cat on 'her' territory. This is a perfectly natural cat reaction. Give it a little time because I'm sure that she'll come around. Let them be together under your supervision for the first two or three weeks. Try to get them to play together or give them treats together, something that they both love and that takes their attention off of the other cat but they're still doing it together.

I have 4 resident older cats here, ranging in age from 7 years down to 5 years. A couple of years ago, a person dumped a kitten in a parking lot and it was given to me, the 'cat woman'. So I took the kitten to the vet, got her checked and cleaned up, and then took her home to be with my 4 cats until I could find a 'forever home' for her. My four cats just had a fit, hissing and such. For the safety of the tiny kitten around 4 big, full grown cats, I kept the little kitten in a cage for the first few weeks. Then let her out only when I was around to supervise. I didn't want to take a chance on my 'big, fat' cats hurting the kittens. She just hated to be confined and cried constantly to be let out. But you know, she was so tiny, only about 2 months old, so I was cautious about her safety around the big cats.

It was Samantha, my oldest female, who was also at one time a mother, who started playing with little Misty Blue. It took a while but it wasn't long before Samantha started 'mothering' little Misty. It took a while but all went well and not once did any of the older, bigger cats hurt little Misty. I ended up giving Misty to a good friend of my daughter's, who fell in love with her. We have a cat 'limit' here in my city and this cat was already '2 cats over' my limit.

So if I were you, I'd just give it time. Your older resident cat isn't too happy that you would allow anyone to intrude upon HER territory but she'll get used to it and will probably come to love the little kitten as her own.

And yes, do try the Feliway Comfort Zone plug in. I really don't think that it's that expensive at $25, as I've found that it helps my cat family through some stressful 'territorial' situations. Good luck.

Ruby and the Kitties
Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt
Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!

How wonderful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Meow!


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<< Previous Message:  Rocky Introduction - Aleks, Thu Feb 24 06:20:35 2005