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RE: Vomiting because of an empty food bo

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Posted by: guttersnacks at Fri Mar 7 10:47:14 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by guttersnacks ]  

Here's a bit of history for you.
Back in the fall one day, Purvis was starting to walk around the house like he was very drunk. We took him to the vet and they found a huge lump on the left side of his chest at the base of his neck. They took a sample and it was just solid puss. Lab work revealed nothing except maybe just a little e. coli So we figured he scratched himself with his hind legs after being in the litterbox. So, after surgery to clean the wound, drains, drugs, anti-biotic and all that mess was about $1300. $1300 for a "We dont really know what was wrong, but he's better now".

Even before this, Purvis pukes about once a week or so, and continues to, mostly clear liquid, but sometimes freshly eaten food. A vet checkup a year ago told us "probably IBS". *more on that further down*

So, recently, he began puking again, but more frequently. 3 nites in a row, and I noticed the lump on his chest growing again, so I feared the worst, another $1300 vet bill with no cause again. We cant exactly keep doing this over and over again. So, a trip to the vet and a quick drain on the wound on Friday and drugs were given. Anti-biotic and anti-vomit, and reschedule for Monday for exploratory surgery.
The next day he vomited 4 times. All food as far as I know. I wasnt home, wife told me.
So, then Monday rolls around. Wife drops Purvis off in the morning and notifies them of the increased vomiting at which point she was told "Yes, the medicine will do that to some cats". She picks him up after work and his pupils are blow wide open from the drugs and surgery. By 8pm that nite when I got home, he was still in la-la land. Come to find out surgery was finished by noon. Something seems wrong here. See YouTube video at the bottom for his post-surgery behavior.
The next day he's a bit more normal but scratching at the wound, so he got an e-collar put on which helped.
2 days later, he seemed miserable and wasnt voluntarily eating or drinking, and the wound looked ok, so we took the collar off and he appears to be doing better still.
Now, ** the continuation of the IBS story. I fell asleep on the couch the other night, and woke up at 3am to find him on the kitchen counter top (which he doesnt do when we're around because he knows he's not supposed to be up there) and he was drinking water out of a pan we were soaking overnight. It was of course full of soapy water. So, maybe thats the ticket on the vomiting. I hope. Now we can fix that issue. We'll see.

Thanks again for any insight. I'm not totally in love with this cat, but my wife is, so I'm doing what I can.


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>> Next Message:  RE: Vomiting because of an empty food bo - PHKitkat, Tue Mar 11 00:03:20 2008

<< Previous Message:  RE: Vomiting because of an empty food bowl - PHKitkat, Tue Mar 4 19:31:58 2008