Posted by:
at Fri Mar 21 18:22:28 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ttpurr4cat ]
Teehee, that could be fun . Let me tell you a story about my late hubby, it does have a cat in it. He loved horror movies and I hated them. I went with him to them until one of his friends felt the need to scare the crap out of me after one. You need to know that I don't get mad, I get even. After his friends little joke, I refused to go to scary movies. Well, time passed and one night he came home from one talking about the scary long haired white cat with green eyes that was in it controlling the world with those big green eyes. He went on to bed, while I sat up and plotted my revenge. You see, we didn't have cats, we had.....shudder....poodles but....I had a friend who had a cat, Fluffy, and he was a beautiful white cat with green eyes. Sooo being the evil wench that I can be, I called my friend and she and her hubby brought Fluffy for a little visit. Hubby dear had left the light on when he went to bed. So....I screamed and tossed Fluffy through the air to the bed. Hubby woke up to see a large wide eyed white cat "flying" at him. He rolled out of the bed screaming like a banshee and Fluffy landed gently on the bed where he proceeded to wash himself happily (his daddy tossed him on the bed from the door all the time at home, it was a game they played). Hubby however was standing there naked in front of our friends shaking in terror. While we laughed hysterically. ----- Tessa Onyx, Foudini, Charlee, Spottie, ShyRaven, Buddy, Tuxie, Widdle Attila Sipowitz, Lizzie, Minnie, ET, Mylo,(We be house cats at last), and Salem, Wicca and Marmalade (We iz also house cats, we guess)and the 5 porch kits also Riley da goggie and Buddha da baby hamster too Tabitha and Samantha..always in our hearts//Fly free Penny 12/12/07
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