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RE: Echinacea

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Posted by: BlueEyedStorm at Fri Dec 11 04:11:53 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BlueEyedStorm ]  

He didn't even notice the taste when I put it in his salmon. . So this vitamin C product made for human consumption says to take 1 capsule, three times a day or as directed by physician. So I have been separating the pill in 8 sections and giving him one or two a day. But would three be ok as well? So it would be 1/8 of a capsule three times a day.

I am going to tell you why I am actually giving him this. I am trying to get an appointment with a holistic vet. I am actually worried about his mouth. Emergency vets do not usually do holistic remedies so I cannot go there so I am trying to fix him until I get the appointment made.

So here is the situation. I have a male cat named Merlin, who is about 4-5 years old who needs to be looked at ASAP. Whether he has cancer in his mouth or stomatitis, his mouth could get worse with every passing day. I have lost a cat before to cancer in her mouth, and it was very traumatic for me.
Here is Merlin’s situation and my diary of it explained in a nutshell;

For about half a month, since Friday, November 13, 2009,
I gave Merlin a synthetic but hypoallergenic Taurine supplement. 325mg some days, even twice the pill for a couple days in the start. Kirkman brand.

On December 1st, I noticed that Merlin’s hair from the tip of his chin was falling out, it was wet from his food, as I added water and the Taurine in his food.

So I immediately stopped giving him the supplement. Friday, December 4, 2009
Merlin’s chin has a very hard bump on it. Kind of whitish.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Chin is almost back to normal.
Gave both my cats cod liver oil and cranberry juice.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Gave both of them cod liver oil this morning.

A week ago, I stopped giving him Taurine. Yesterday I noticed the bump on his chin was almost healed and gone. It is coming back to normal pink color and not hard as a rock as it was from Thursday to Saturday.
But I looked at his teeth which I had not seen in a month, and I noticed that on my left side on the bottom of Merlin’s mouth, I could not see his teeth. He has always had bad inflamed gums, and bad tarter build-up but I could not see the tiny tooth on the bottom.

The gums sort of look eaten away. I am worried that this synthetic Taurine supplement has caused this? I had another cat who I lost to mouth cancer, which I mentioned already, so I am very worried. And it seems like he may be having trouble eating harder (wet food). So I have been giving him softer food.
And his gums seem to have a white film on them and his lips seem to be a bit inflamed.
He is still healthy otherwise. He is active and friendly and playful as usual.
Any other suggestions Dr.Tobin?


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