Posted by:
at Mon Jun 24 10:31:21 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by minnesnowtaKits ]
Hay, effurrykit, we got an update on Taki on Catterday from Aunty Dani, and he is doin a lil betterer.
Fur those who didn't know, Taki hadda go the merjency vetdokter on Thursday nite on accounta he was in pain and couldn't go potty. Turns out his UTI got worser, so he hadda get catheterized, get a bunch of medisin, and then go to his reglar vet clinic on Friday. Aunty Dani sed he was actin kinda weird with the pain meds, and was keepin a close eye on him. Catterday ebening, we got a message that he was feelin better, but still woozy with meds, so some glow fur Taki to heal up and feel better afore his weddin this week would be good!
GLOW to Taki ... get well soon, bud!
Lubby, Larry
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Taki Noblekit feelin a lil betterer - minnesnowtaKits, Mon Jun 24 10:31:21 2013