Posted by:
at Mon Dec 7 17:12:41 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by steeve111 ]
Thanks guys, I don't know what causes stress in mice, but mine do not get bothered as I live alone on a large, quiet ranch. I do not see them for a couple days at a time, just to add mouse pellets and change the water. They are very dirty in their habits; constantly fouling their water cups with debris and excrement. I tried using covered deli cups with a hole in the top, big enough for their head to access the water, it helps, but they still get it dirty quickly. The terrariums really stink after a few days, and are time consuming to clean out and replace substrate, so I keep them outside and/or in the closed laundry room. It still stinks up the house. It gets cold out on the porch here in the hills of inland San Diego county; close to freezing lately, but the mice have an upside down shallow cardboard box inside the tank, which they have filled with the straw substrate making warm nests with tunnels. I am probably doing everything wrong....the pet shop sells mice and is reluctant to give me any information on rearing them. I trapped several brown mice and have them in about a 20 gallon tank in the barn. Maybe they will do better than the white ones, but they probably have parasites that could be bad for my Kings.
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