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at Sat Dec 21 21:00:54 2019 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by unbeatablebonz ]
Hi all
I have a VE 6 Rack with Underbelly heat. I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer.
I have Kings, King Milk Morphs & King Corn Morphs at this time. What temp should I set the thermostat at? Should I drill some holes (or solder) for ventilation sake or is the default set up okay? Do these guys still need a hide or is the entire tub being encased sufficient? As far as the water dish is concerned - should I place it in the front of the tub to keep away from the heat tape (just considering evaporation)? As far as bedding is concerned - I've been using paper towels primarily - is aspen better, worse, no difference, personal preference, etc ???
I appreciate the input. I'm getting back into the hobby after 25 years and can use the refresher.
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New VE 6 Rack - unbeatablebonz, Sat Dec 21 21:00:54 2019