Posted by:
at Wed May 27 07:45:11 2020 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Irishfran ]
Hi guys we have our first snake, he's a 10 month old Honduran tangerine phase called CJ. Great snake, very docile and eating well, very handleable. We have him just under 2 months now he's in a small eco terra plastic Viv which I'm.gkimg to soon change to a two foot glass Viv. I live in Ireland so it's not exactly really warm here although the weather is mild now about 20c or 70f day times. The Viv is normally around 26-27 so about 80f on the warm side and as low as 20 or about 70 on the cool side. So I think for the climate we love in all is good. CJ seems happy and healthy but recently we seem seem to slightly lower humidity, it's normally around 50% in the Viv according to an analog exo terra combined humidity and temp indicator I have in the viv but recently it went down to as low as 30% humidity. I noticed CJ seemed to be drinking a little more, not a huge amount but a little more so input in a small humidity box with sphagnum moss in it and since then he's been in there even after feeding. It's temp seems to be around 70f. He also has spent a lot of time in his smaller hide on the cold side and when I take him out he seems really cold. Is everything ok?I thought he'd gravitate to the warmer side which he did until I put in his second hide or humidity box. Oh he also doesn't appear to be in shed his scales seem a little duller but I'm not sure if I'm imagining that but his eyes look as they always have. I'm probably worried about nothing but I've no personal experience to use as the norm. Any feedback guys?
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