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at Wed Sep 22 00:34:05 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by josephbrugh ]
I practice the husbandry for only arboreal boids(emerald tree boas) and maybe wish to begin with arboreal vipers, but not sure, worried about venomoids so I wish to be up to speed to better make a decision on this issue. What is the truth about Gland removal? I know that venom aids in digestion of prey for all venomous animals or it just plain wouldent be there. I just want to know the facts about the surgery, how it affects the animal in the "longterm". As for the hippies and the animal cruelty agrument, talk to your doc martin boot, or should i say the cow that took a tac in the head so you can look cool at the next phish show.(no offense to phish fans that are not hippies)BAsicly, PLEASE ONLY EDU-MO-CATED people, and please do not use the term "backyard butcher".
later joe
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Venomoid Animals? NO PREACHING JUST FACT!!!! - josephbrugh, Wed Sep 22 00:34:05 2004