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RE: tokey gecko care sheets

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Posted by: tokayzrule at Sat Dec 31 07:55:38 2005  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tokayzrule ]  

this is a care sheet that i wrote myself.. hope it helps

Tokay gecko (gekko gecko)


tokay geckoes are a very large, beautiful gecko. they come from asia, many tokays are wild caught and may have diseases and/or parasites. tokays can reach a length of 15 inches depending on how well/often they eat.. the size is closely related to the quality of food... the better the quality, the bigger the gecko.

Selecting your tokay

when selecting a tokay you want to first watch the gecko in the tank... watch and see if it is active. if the gecko is inactive and skinny... chances are that the gecko may have some underlining disease/parasite problem. make sure your gecko is rather "fat".. you don't want to be able to see the hips of the gecko or the ribs. make sure the tail is in relative proportion to the gecko.


you want to quarantine these guys for about 1-2 months to make sure they don't have parasites that could be passed on to your other herps. the best quarantine cage is probably a 15 gallon tall tank with paper towel as substrate and tupper wear hides.. easy to clean. you want to make sure its feces is not runny and is consistent.


for housing a tokay you want a tank no smaller than 15h.. that is probably the bare minimum for a tokay as they get really big... you should keep your tank at about 80-90 degrees during the day and about 70-80 at night.. with a warmer basking area of about 90-95. the humidity should be between 40% and 80% as for a substrata you can use cocoa fiber.. works well and holds humidity, you can also plant the enclosure if you would like, as for cage furniture, you can use almost anything.. you can get branches from around your house just be sure to soak them in a hot water bleach solution of 1 part bleach per 10 parts water.. then bake them at about 350 for about 30 mins to and hour..


feeding isn't that hard.. they will eat almost anything that moves. probably the best food source are roaches but they do well on crickets,mealworms,superworms, and giant mealworms. wax worms and pinky mice can be given to your tokay as TREATS only not staple food as they are high in fat.


i don't know too much on this as i have not yet accomplished breeding with my tokays yet. sexing tokays is relatively easy. males tend to be larger and have a large upside down V of pores in between the back legs.. which feel waxy to the touch. females have the same V shape but they are exceptionally smaller. during courtship they make a loud TO-KAY sound hence there name .. once they have mated the female will lay, on average, 2 eggs. tokays are egg gluers and the eggs cannot be removed once lain so a good way to protect the eggs is to put a deli cup over the eggs while they incubate. egg incubation lasts anywhere from 60-200 days..


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<< Previous Message:  tokey gecko care sheets - ihavealizard, Fri Dec 30 21:53:59 2005