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RE: Rubber Boa Keepers

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Posted by: WSHSmark at Thu Feb 16 19:49:08 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WSHSmark ]  

I have quite a bit of knowledge on the Charina family since I have been keeping Rubber Boas for a while and have had Rosy Boas occasionally. If you buy a Rubber Boa make sure it is CB and is eating well on lab mice because most people I know have trouble switching them over. Where I am (Salem, OR) I can only catch them out of the wild since Oregon Law prohibits buying native snakes. Richard and Ryan Hoyer have taught me a lot of what I currently know especially Ryan's website
when I went herp hunting with Richard Hoyer last fall he taught me some captivity hints with keeping Rubber Boas like to have two hide spots (I use 1/2 logs) in the cage (1 in the warm spot and 1 in the cold spot). Some Rubber Boas have hard times drinking from a normal water dish so I use those immitation rock ones that are a bit spendy but work well. Rubber Boas will stop eating around september for hibernation (which is critical for Rubber Boas). Rubber Boas usually eat on an odd basis so when they eat I usually chain feed them until they're full or ate a large amount. Rubber Boas some times prefer young Deer Mice, Voles, Shrews, and some other baby rodents, Adults sometimes prefer pinks or fuzzies when in fact they could eat a hopper. Rubber Boas like cold temps like 60-70 degrees on the cold side and like 80 degrees or so on the basking area.
-Interesting thing I found was a Adult Female Rubber Boa that has 1 blue eye and 1 brown eye which I plan on breeding to check if it's genetic.
Hope that helps


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