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RE: Please..NEED HELP!

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Posted by: Red_Hydra at Wed Mar 1 19:51:39 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Red_Hydra ]  

Gus, you hit the nail bang on.

What I mean is my experience is very limited as I do not have the amount of years you and others have in keeping your collections or years in breeding successful litters. But with my 3 years with decent litters from 6 different females I believe I witnessed something as mentioned in 2 different boas from 2 different time frames. And on Monday I think I witnessed it again or something that at least comes very close.

My Guyana Redtail Boa (gravid female) and an Anerythristic Boa (gravid female) reacted somewhat like the figure 8 or close enough head movements. At first on the 1 occasion I was thinking she was going into shed and was trying to free the nose area, I was wrong because she did not shed during that day or week. I did worry for about half the day but what I witnessed was only an hour or so of confusion on my part. She later gave birth to 14 babies and after I checked her with a vet and nothing was wrong. When it happened again a year later with the Anerythristic I was more ready and decided to wait it out a bit more and in that case I actually misted here a bit and it stopped within that second and never seen it after. She then produced 17 babies and I again took her to the vet after and again no worries. Now a Hog Island Boa on Monday did something kinda like what I saw in the other 2, I am more comfortable with it because again it was only a few minute thing after I misted here and if all goes well and if I am blessed she will give me a simple litter that I can be happy with. All 3 females, different types, different years, somewhat the same scenario - but my fear was not more than just worrying than a real medical situation.

Gus when you say it can be the fear of falling, I think that can be something to consider. I never took out my girls and then saw this situation. My scenarios were more either simple observation or cleaning out 1 part of the cage that the boa is not using. Like you I do not or will not feel comfortable moving a gravid boa, just because a simple mistake can do so much harm.

Brendan this in no way means our different situations are the same because that would be hard to say really but the infomation your getting here from everyone helps you come up with your own conclusion.

I hope all is well and goes well for you with this girl.


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