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Posted by: mayday at Thu Mar 30 11:21:00 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mayday ]  

Cherryheads are NOT found in Paraguay. The 'old school' animals that you speak of and that were imported by Pet Farm in the early 80s were pretty much identical to the ones from Bahia, Brazil. As a matter of fact, the so called 'Paraguayan' animals that Pet Farm had were actually collected in Brazil (check with Rob MacInnes or Scott Hersey who worked there at the time)and then trucked to Argentina where they were shipped from.
I saw literally thousands of those 'old school' tortoises and picked my group from them. I can assure you that there were a great many that had the marbled shells (see Turtles of Venezuela for photos)as well.
The cherryheads I have had since then are pretty much the exact same animals in color, size and every other aspect to the ones I had in the 80s.
I think the confusion comes from folks who might have an animal or two from one group or the other that might have a certain trait like an extra red head or a very marbled carapace.
They then assume that ALL of the animals from that group are like theirs. Also, many reptile sellers went to the importers and hand picked the most outstanding specimens which also gives a false impression of what the rest of the animals in the shipment looked like.
If you have seen large groups of these animals from over the years, you realize that they are the same tortoise.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: cherry head vs red foot - Amazonreptile, Wed Mar 29 18:44:56 2006