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RE: leaf garland is dangerous

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Posted by: STEVES_KIKI at Mon Jan 8 07:30:02 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by STEVES_KIKI ]  

sounds like he was scared mostly. and i also think as long as the scales werent ripped off. snakes are pretty good at re-growing scales. when i first bought Romeo, most of his scales around his neck area were almost gone. i thought it gave him personality. but he kept shedding. he'd shed every other week. and his scales are now back to normal like anyother snake. i think maybe a mouse got ahold of him and ate some of his scales. i know when i first got him i was told to feed him live, but sometimes he wouldnt quite grab at the right spot and would "need assistance" squeezing the mouse. so now i feel f/t and hes just as happy. now, if the damage went all the way through his scales and to the skin. there might be a mark. but i'm sure you will love your critter regardless
~Sober Serpents~
.1 Normal (Gertrude)
1. Orange normal (Romeo)
1.2 Miami Phase (Hector, Emily, Charlotte) thanks jeff!
2. Miami Phase part zigzag (Starkey, Mcvitty)
1. Amel het Blizzard (Dunesbury) .1 Blizzard (Detta)
1. Classic het Hypo, poss het Amel, Anery (Cobra)
1.1 Classics (Henry VIII, Cassy)
.1 Deep Red Amel (Pepperoni) *1. Deep red amel coming soon!
1.1 Hypo zig zags poss HET Caramel (Bernard, Abegail)
.1 Hypo HET Stripe (Gracie Lou) 1. Hypo Stripe (Gideon)
1.1 Anery HET Motley (Lleroy, Persia)
.1 Candy Cane (Peaches HoneyBlossom)
1. Abbotts Okeetee (Albert)
1.1 Snow (Crickle, Isis) .1 Green Snow (Maya)
1. Caramel poss HET Butter (Topher)
.1 Anery stripe (V)
.1 Orange Reverse Okeetee (Lonna)
1.2 Bloodred HET Amel 1. Amel HET Bloodred

1.1 Black rats (Willard, Cecily)
1.1 Striped Cal Kings (Dweezil, Skunky)
1. High-white Reverse Spotted Cal King (Wishbone) *.1 soon!
.1 Albino Stripe Cal King (Eve)
.1 Bananna spotted/stripe cal king (Speckle) Thanks Jeff!!!
1.1 Thayeri (Giuseppe, Cheyenne)
1.1 Creamsicle HET Motley(Orangejello, Genevieve)
1. Creamsicle motley (no name) Thanks Jimmy!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEOPARD GECKOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.1 Blizzard (Blitz)
.1? High yellow (no name)
.1 white cheeked mud (Opel)
.1 snapping turtle (no name, ideas welcome)


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<< Previous Message:  leaf garland is dangerous - izora, Sun Jan 7 21:34:29 2007