Posted by:
at Sat Jan 13 19:49:33 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by salemserpent ]
My corn snake that I have been worried about finally ate. Here is what I did:
She was a recent purchase and I had been keeping her in a small plastic cage w/ aspen bedding untill I was ready to build my first snake rack. I knew it was going to be a short time and while she was in that container she ate twice. When I built my rack, I moved her into the new rack and put her on newspaper.
For a couple of weeks she has refused food. I had tried any and all tricks except force feeding...nothing worked. Last night I thought maybe I try something I hadn't thought of.
I placed her in a small deli cup with some of her old bedding. I haven't the slightest clue as to why I saved it but, I did and placed a handful in the container with her and a pinky. I put the container-snake and all in a cupboard and watched a long movie.
Presto! After the film I checked on her and sure enough she had a pinky in her belly.
Though I am commited to the snake rack I have placed a small cup with her old shavings into her tub. I'm thinking that she finds the old "home" smell comforting.
Thanks for all the suggestions! Larry ----- 1.0 Green Iguana 1.0 Bearded Dragon 0.1 Midnight Blizard Leopard Gecko 2.4 Corn Snakes (2 Blood Red,1 Granite,1 Butter, 1 Creamsicle,1 Anery) 2.1 Ball Python (2 Normal, 1 Lemon Pastel)
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