Posted by:
at Fri Jan 12 04:21:56 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by izora ]
Hi there,
Like You I used to be terrified of snakes. I had the fortune of working in a pet store that had alot of snakes on consignment. I had to learn how to care for these animals as best as I possibly could. For me my first experiences were Larger pythons and tiny Milk snakes. I seemed to have an abundance of either teeny tiny snakes or huge behemoth animals. At one point we opened our door and someone had left a 55 gallon trash can at our back door. We opened it to find a 8 foot burmese in it. Not your most expected find but she was welcome.
Anyway, the point I'm making is that your fear of snakes will go away with time, and I congratulate you on taking control of that fear and moving on. Starting with Corns is a great idea as they are so incredibly docile creatures. I have had Frosty now for two years and he's never bitten me, he gets a lil flighty and nervous occasionally but never bites. They are amazing pets and will live quite a long time.
Another point to make is that you've come to the right place seeking advice. I have been on this board for quite awhile now, for about four years or so now, maybe more, and always revert back to it for advice and learning.
Good luck with ya new pets and welcome to
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