Posted by:
at Tue May 20 11:37:58 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Anselmo1 ]
I am very interested in purchasing a pair of Indigos for breeding/pet purposes. I have housed a BTC (posted below) and really enjoyed working with the species.
I did my research and have come to a screeching halt. It seems I can purchase/apply for a permit that allows interstate travel for purchase. If I am reading this correctly for breeding Indigos it says specifically if you live in NY you must get another special permit that is very difficult to get.
Here is the passage from :
It is illegal to keep/breed Eastern Indigos in Kentucky, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, New Jersey, New York & Mississippi without a special permit. Some of the permits are difficult to obtain due to either requirements of the permit, or bureaucratic delays. So far, these are the only states that we "know" will not allow the keeping/breeding of the Eastern Indigo without a special state issued permit. ~
It seems my vision of getting an Eastern Indigo is gone. That really stinks!
Any insight on this?
Thank you,
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- New York permit question? - Anselmo1, Tue May 20 11:37:58 2008