Posted by:
at Mon May 26 00:28:00 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
That is a definite sign of "mouth-rot"(infectious stomatitis)!! this is extremely serious if not taken care of, and it will cause them to NOT eat, and cause other serious ailments from their metabolism degrading such as serious respiratory infections as well, and eventually lead to their death.
I would suggest that you take it to a reputable herp vet ASAP!, but if you think you can dedicate some time to it, this can be cleared up if you do a couple things pronto!
1) Keep it's enclosure at around 85-88 degrees, put an ACCURATE thermometer inside the enclosure to MAKE SURE you get accurate readings from the surface of the substrate where the snake actally is, as guessing temps does not cut it. Pry the mouth open with plastic knife, or something similar, and prop it open with the wide blade while you are doing this. Pull out ALL the yellowish cheesy substance with tweezers, including loose teeth, etc.... After all loose cheesy tissue is removed from top and bottom jaw areas, thoroughly rinse it's mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide solution. you can add a little Betadine to this if you like as well. Do this two, to three times a day religeously, and after aabout a week, you should see a very substantial difference. DO NOT STOP doing this until ALL the swelling and cheesy substance is completely gone. From start to finish, in about a two week period you could probably stop, but keep CLOSE tabs on it thereafter for any signs of reocurrence. If all is well after all this, your snake should resume normal feeding once again.
Please keep in mind,....this will absolutely work, but you have to make SURE you keep doing these things I mentioned on a very regular basis,....otherwise, if you feel it is a little beyond your ability, get the snake to a vet and SOON!. If this is left untreated, and is left to get only worse, the snake will only meat it's certain doom.
best of luck with this,...and please keep us posted on it's progress.
best regards, ~Doug ----- "Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open mouth and remove any doubt!"
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