Posted by:
at Fri May 30 14:38:35 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
Yeah,.......she's ready to nail ANYTHING that moves in front of her,.....including my lips if I was stupid enough to get them too close!..LOL!
My male has a bigger head in proportion to his body, as you mentioned they sometimes do.
I'm not so sure I'd recommend a Texas Rat, unless you're willing to get "tagged" quite often, as BOTH of mine are pretty darn "ZAPPY"!. But then again, if I held them more often, they might calm down substantially, but who knows.
I'm sure just as in all snakes, there will be individuals that are fairly placid and manageable, but I don't see much of that with mine at all. How you see her in the photo I posted, is how she is 24/7..LOL!
There are LOTS of other Ratsnakes to choose from in the hobby today, so if you want a generally easy-going type, you might not want a Texas, unless of course you handle some first and happen to be lucky enough to run into some calmer individuals. Either that, or are willing to take your bites and gradually tame some down.
As a very generalized rule, the Black Rats would probably tend to be a little less nippy, but I'm sure a percentage of those individuals can be real "devils" as well.....oh well, I guess everything has it's price..LOL!
~Doug ----- "Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open mouth and remove any doubt!"
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