Posted by:
at Mon Jun 2 20:16:17 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dekaybrown ]
This spring has been a special one, all in the same week I found an Eastern milk snake with a friendly temperament AND a wild "Flame" Garter snake.
Go figure, I paid a hundred bucks for a baby flame, and then find an adult one in my yard! (The captive bred one has brighter reds) 30 years of flipping boards & rocks, this is the first red and white garter I have ever caught.
We have also been taking the Ball Python out in the yard, and walking the Savannah Monitor on his leash. that little lizard walked 500 feet yesterday! quite a trip when your six inches long.
It's just too bad that central NY only gets about 120 days of weather like this a year..... If you don't mind running the furnace at night and air conditioning during the same day...
Regards, Wayne A. Harvey
our critters
1.0.0 Ball Python - Python regius "Cane" Rescue 0.0.1 N.E. MilkSnake WC "Carmello" adult 1.2.3 Storeria dekayi Casper, Xena, Athena, & Kids (30 plus released!) 0.0.2 Thamnophis marcianus - Checkered Garters "spot" & "Zig" 2.1.0 Thamnophis sirtalis - eastern Garters 0.0.1 Thamnophis sirtalis - Orange stripes 1.0.0 Thamnophis pickeringi - Puget Sound Garter "Sky" (adult, Sky blue) 0.0.1 Nerodia sipedon - Water Snake - "Aqua" adult WC 0.1.0 Storeria occipitomaculata - Red Belly snake (Her children were raised & released) 0.0.1 Amelanistic Corn Snake "CY" Juvinile CB 1.0.0. Pueblan Milk snake "Oreo" adult CB 1.0.0. ASIAN GREEN SNAKE 3' WC Cyclophiops major"Limon" 0.0.1. Savannah Monitor "CHOMPER" Growing fast! 0.1.0. Green Anole "Crystal" WC 1.0.0. K9 "ACE" Black Cockapoo 0.2.0. Feline"Felix"(R.I.P. 4/27/08) "Kaja" & "Silver" 2.1.0. calico RATS 2.4.?? Mice - Feeder farm - Crickets / fish More herps than I could ever list out back on the land.
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