Posted by:
at Sat Jun 7 17:03:12 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Fish_Demon ]
In larger enclosures it is possible to keep some types of snakes together. I keep my Rubber Boas in the same enclosure, and three of my Sand Boas share a 60 gallon tank. I don't notice any difference in behavior between the Sand Boas that are kept alone and those that are kept together, they all eat very well and have good temperaments. I haven't tried cohabitating Rosy Boas, as I've heard they are more easily stressed out.
When keeping multiple snakes in the same enclosure, however, there are always certain risks involved. If one snake gets ill, chances are all of the snakes will catch that illness as well. If one snake regurgitates a meal, it is sometimes difficult to determine which one did it. It is difficult to keep track of who is pooping and when, though in the case of my Sand Boas, each one is a different size so I can generally tell which piece of poop came from which boa. Additionally, there is also the risk (albeit a very low risk with Erycine boas) that one snake will get hungry and confused and decide to make a meal out of one of his/her tankmates. This is not usually a problem as long as the snakes are fed well.
There are people on here who have kept snakes like Kings and Corns together in the same enclosure, though that is not something I would want to risk with my own animals because those kinds of snakes tend to feed on other snakes in the wild. Lots of people also keep multiple garters in the same habitat, though I have heard reports of them preying on each other as well.
Basically the message is that yes, you can keep certain kinds of snakes together in the same enclosure without having to worry too much, but you need to understand that there will always be certain risks involved. ----- - Natalie (San Francisco Bay Area)
1.0 Banded California King 1.0 Mexican Black King 1.0 Bay of LA Rosy Boa 0.1 San Ignacio Rosy Boa 0.1 Ortiz Rosy Boa 2.3 Kenyan Sand Boas 0.1 Saharan Sand Boa 1.2 Rubber Boas 0.1 Pickering's Gartersnake
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