Posted by:
at Sun Aug 17 08:01:39 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Garter_Gabby ]
Yes. One can have Hoggy fever before ever owning a Hoggy! I ordered one, normal, and when I saw the breeder also had a green male, well... You guys know what it's like!
I just got my first two male hatchling Hoggies yesterday. Can I tell you? Watching their tank is about as xciting and fun as watching a glacer melt. I've been told to leave them alone for a week and it's killing me! I want to hold and look at them! That is, if I even still have two Hoggies. They "Poofed!" under the substrate and sacked out. Haven't seem'um since.
I'm going the two-male-Hoggies-in-one-tank route. Hoping since they're not females but males, and the same age and size things will be copisetic. My breeder thinks it will be if I feed them seperately and leave them in their feeding containers an hour or two after eating before I put them back in their tank.
The are so DAMN! cute! Little pixie noses and tiny bright eyes! It's taking every ounce of will power I possess NOT to dig them up and cuddle and kiss them!
The breeders best friend was there picking up his Hoggies and he mentioned Kenabec, the normal, is "a good looking snake." (shrugs shoulders) I've no idea what a good looking normal Hoggy is from a bad looking normal Hoggy. I've no intention of breeding so it's a moot point. He's GREAT looking because he's mine and I love him!
Niizh, the green, is cool. Kind of a, a... A sagey green. The breeder says he'll get greener as he gets older. Talk about an xpensive impulse purchase! But I knew I was going to have a green someday so I figured "in for a penny, in for a pound," and jumped on Niizh.
Are these guys gonna EVER come up for air?!
Sorry, no camera. When I win the lottery.
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MY First Hoggies, Plural! - Garter_Gabby, Sun Aug 17 08:01:39 2008