Posted by:
at Fri Aug 29 09:46:37 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Garter_Gabby ]
Hi. I'm mom to two new 6 week old Hoggies. They're not as easy to care for as my garters in that the temp requirements are a bit trickier and I can't have them in a community Hoggy tank.
They also tend to have a 'tude where the garters don't. I just got Niizh to eat last night for the first time and I will have had the boys two weeks tomorrow.
Currently I *am* housing the boys together - a No-No because Hoggies tend to be cannabilistic (females mroe so than males) - but am seperating them tomorrow. Because of this and keeping them together I have to bathe them after every meal. They don't like it but I do!
What has saved me is having a wonderful breeder. He's shared his time (sometimes a couple times a day on the phone) unselfishly and has alwyas, always been available to me. No question or concer has been dumb or stupid and he'd rather I call and ask then not. He's given advice and shared his experience and expertise.
if you havea good breeder taht cares about you as well as his snakes, you'll be fine. A good breeder will be there for you for the life of the snake(s) and will want to help you.
Once you get the basics down, it's not that difficult to keep Hoggies. Good care, hygiene and food, and using common sense to meet a Hoggy's needs - that's about it.
You're gonna LOVE your Hoggie! Congratulations!
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