Posted by:
at Thu Aug 28 00:41:22 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by domingos ]
I finally purchased a western hognose from a breeder, which is still at the breeder's shop so I can set up a proper enclosure.
Enclosure: 10 gallon aquarium with screen top and security clips...
Substrate: aspen (3 inches in depth)
Heat sources: Primary - under tank heat mat (8 Watts) Secondary - Red 75 Watt Bulb regulated by thermostat
Furnishings: two small caves (hides - one on cool end, one on hot), water dish, silk foliage
Misc: digital thermometer and humidity gauge
I have researched caresheets online, including and, as well as expert village on YouTube. Many of these sites have varying information.
1. Is a ten-gal. enclosure small enough for my baby hog? 2. What should be the temperature gradient?
*** I've read mid 70's - 85, as well as mid 80's - 90 ***
3. Is it normal for this snake to not strike prey? My hognose didn't seem interested when fed with tongs. When the pinky was dropped, it opened its mouth and began swallowing.
4. How often and for what length of time should I handle this hognose at this stage of life?
5. I'm nervous about taking care of such a "fragile looking" animal. I only have experience with a cornsnake and a ball python purchased as yearlings. Any other advice?
1.0.0 amenalistic (red albino) cornsnake 0.1.0 Royal (Ball) Python 0.0.1 Western Hognose
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Western Hognose Advice Needed... - domingos, Thu Aug 28 00:41:22 2008 