Posted by:
at Wed Oct 8 09:29:09 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HappyHillbilly ]
Chris, I checked out the link that Nate posted for that tool dip stuff (Plasti Dip) and found this stuff that's supposed to be heat & water resistant - made for recoating racks in dishwashers.
It looks like it only comes in 1oz bottles so it may not be cost effective. If I find some locally I'll give it a try and will let everyone know how it goes.
I've looked into the Kane heat mats, which are also sold as pig blankets on some livestock supply websites, but to cover an area aprox. 2 x 3 or 3 x 3 the cost would be right on up there with a RHP (between $150 - $200). I found one that was 27-inches x 36-inches for somewhere around $125, which ain't bad.
If only CHEs weren't so dang gaudy looking on the inside of a cage. Ha! Ha! Who the heck am I tryin' to fool? Nobody else is gonna see my cages but me, wife & kids. I don't have any friends, never have any company. And when I do, they don't wanna go look at the snakes. LOL!
Later! Mike ----- Due to political correctness run amuck, this ol' hillbilly is now referred to as an: Appalachian American
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