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at Wed Oct 8 00:26:22 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Royreptile ]
I've recently given some thought to constructing my own cages, as opposed to buying them, because shipping costs are often rather prohibitive. To give an outline of my thoughts, I'd like to make the cage dimensions somewhere along the lines of 60" x 24" x 36" or, preferably, 72" x 24" x 36" (length by width by height), and I was considering using 3/4" plywood as the primary material. I'd also like to line the interior of the cage with FRP to make it waterproof and easier to clean. I'd be keeping tropical snakes (Spilotes, Pseustes, etc.) in the enclosure so it needs to stand up to elevated humidity and direct spraying, while also possessing qualities that will make cleaning simple. I like the idea of sliding glass doors, as I think they would be easier to install than swing doors - I'm not much of a carpenter, to say the least. I'll probably heat the enclosures with radiant heat panels. The cages must be stackable.
On to the questions: 1.) Is there a particular plywood that would stand out as more efficient for this type of enclosure? Particularly one that wouldn't sag at lengths of six feet. 2.) Would it be a good idea to line the cage with FRP? If so, how would I go about laminating the FRP to the plywood? Is there a better alternative for waterproofing? 3.) I plan on mounting the heat panels directly to the FRP interior; is it possible that the heat could cause the FRP to separate from the plywood? If so, what could I do to avoid this?
I'm sure I forgot to ask some questions here, but if anyone has something to offer that may be applicable in this circumstance, I would be very appreciative if he/she would share. Or, what might work better for a cage of this size? ----- Roy Blodgett Green Man Herpetoculture
1.1 Spilotes pullatus 2.2 Pseustes sulphureus 1.1 Pseustes poecilonotus poecilonotus 1.1 Lystrophis pulcher 1.1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila 1.2 Crotaphytus collaris 1.3 Crotaphytus bicinctores 2.3 Pogona vitticeps (snow and red/gold) 1.0 Iguana iguana
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- Some questions about large caging. - Royreptile, Wed Oct 8 00:26:22 2008