Posted by:
at Tue Dec 2 15:06:58 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by abeercan01 ]
Hey everybody,
I have a question for anyone that keeps broad banded copperheads. I recently took in a cb04 male broad banded copperhead. When I first got him, I had him in a glass aquarium for about a week so i could get his cage set up in the snake room. Every time I would even move near his cage, He would start vibrating his tail, and coil up in a striking position. If I walked by his cage, he would strike.
All of my northern and southern copperheads have never struck at me, or even noticed I was in the room.
I was just wondering if broad bandeds just naturally had a nastier disposition.
This is the first time I had ever been around or owned a broad banded, so I have nothing to compare him with.
The guy I got him from, said he had been like that since he was born.
Thanks for any input
I hope everyone has a great day!!! ----- 0.1.0 albino burmese 1.0.0 normal burmese 1.0.0 redtail boa 1.0.0 albino corn 0.1.0 creamsicle corn 0.1.0 okeetee corn 1.0.0 black rat snake 1.1.0 leopard geckos 0.0.7 northern copperheads 1.0.0 southern copperhead 0.0.1 broadband copperhead 0.0.1 timber rattler 1.0.0 green iguana 0.0.1 veiled chameleon 2.1.0 ball pythons 0.0.1 mexican red knee tarantula 0.0.3 emperor scorpion 0.0.1 cobalt blue tarantula 0.0.1 orange baboon tarantula and a bunch of breeder mice and rats
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