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RE: Keeping eggs moist?

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Posted by: rbichler at Sat Apr 4 22:25:14 2009   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rbichler ]  

>>......king eggs and incubators ...sometimes they just don't mix...
>>.........incubators will dry out substrate and eggs...and adding water all the time is can be too much or too little...
>>....first thing with Hova-Bator type incubators is to get a new and higher bottom, the one that comes with them is for bird eggs and they need 102 to 105 degrees...they need to closer tot the heat, and turned, and not setting in moist substate....bigger bottom makes a better incubator...easier to keep the correct 82/84 degrees....
>>...the pic with the setup of eggs ...the one tub on the right has 2 eggs in the bottom of the pile that look like they may have died from being too wet...has a couple on the left in different tubs that look dead or dying...yes I cannot tell from pic how wet or if they were fertile to start with and yes I lose hundreds of eggs some years, due to me, the males, and the happens.......too wet is too bad too.......
>>.......without seeing and touching eggs we cannot really tell people online if they are too wet or too dry and what to do....eggs can ,and will dent in from being too wet also...and dying....yes they will bloat up if too wet also....but sometimes they just die and dent and really never bloat up with moiture being absorbed......
>>..J Yohe ....

If you read the post again, you will find, I was not asking the Question, but replying.
Thanks for the help anyway!
PS, those were 2006 and 2007 eggs, there were maybe a total of 4 eggs out of both boxes that were infertile from the start. which I knew, but couldn't separate. And your right about the bottom box, tub on the right bottom, middle egg, was infertile, which I knew from the start by candle light.
The rest of the eggs all hatched fine:

Thanks again!
R.Bichlers Colubrids


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>> Next Message:  RE: Keeping eggs moist? - jyohe, Sun Apr 5 14:19:20 2009

<< Previous Message:  RE: Keeping eggs moist? - jyohe, Sat Apr 4 21:36:52 2009