Posted by:
at Sun Dec 6 13:57:41 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
anti snake legislation, there is an actual site for all the legislation going througn the Senate and House. You can register and indicate your oppinion on every piece of legislation.
The site is VERY user unfriendly and a major PITA to get the first "vote" in but still probably worth the effort....
First you have to register, only need a email account, they don't even ask for a name. Go to...
Enter userid, password twice, valid email address and don't forget to click accept TOS. A email will be sent to your email account with a clickable link to register your userid.
Click on link in email they send you back and go to
(please note, the prior and next few steps are a combination of memory and going back and redoing it after many unsuccesful tries, I hope I have it close enough and please let me know if you find a better way)
Click on login in upper right corner and log in....
Note that it says welcome "your userid" in that same upper right corner when you have successfully logged in....
Your current URL should be....
Easiest way to get there I found is type "bill/type/s/13" onto the end of the existing URL so now is.... Http:// (that is bill/type=Senate/page 13 (where 373 is)
Click on S.373....
Now you should be able to vote and track the bill....
Scroll down towards the bottom of the page where ....
Users opposing S.373 are also:
And you can click on HR2811 and HR669 and oppose them as well ----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty) 0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count (05/26/2009): 36.51 BRB 29.42 BCI And those are only the breeders
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
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