Posted by:
at Fri Dec 11 12:13:51 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
A few weeks back my Albino Arabesque Jasmine swelled up after being bred by Chester, A really bright colorful Sunglow from Jason Robeck.
I thought to my self cool, pre-ov swell. Then a little while later she swelled up again, larger than before but not OMG swollen and I thought OK ovulation but not huge double cool - wrong. Checked on my breeders this morning and BAM, she's in full blown ovulation right now. looks like she swallowed something huge (I looked, the Sunglow male is fine and curled up next to her).
It's amazing how abruptly her body swells out from normal to swollen.
Of course the standard - excuse the messy cage disclaimer. I give up on keeping the cages clean during breeding season, as soon as I change the paper, the female is spreading around urates.
These sights are one of many we stand to lose if we don't keep on fighting for our rights to keep our reptiles. DO NOT be lulled into complacency since they "pulled back" to the original 9. Standard negotiaton ploy is to go after way more than you think you can get to leave you lots of room to pull back to what you really think you can get. And believe me, if they (HSUS and other special interest groups) get the original 9, they will not stop there. Only a matter of time before they come after more and more. Remember, their ultimate goal is total animal rights. No "owning" of animals period. No pets, no farm animals, no work animals, nothing!! Yeah, sounds far fetched and impossible. Just like the pyramids in Egypt, keep stacking up one small law after another and eventually they will have it!!! ----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty) 0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count (05/26/2009): 36.51 BRB 29.42 BCI And those are only the breeders
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
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- OT ....ovulation - rainbowsrus, Fri Dec 11 12:13:51 2009