Posted by:
at Mon Dec 14 15:43:50 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
To post a pic, pic must have URL something like: NOTE: to get correct URL for KS hosted pics, select pic, click on "view larger image", right click on the pic and select properties. The actual URL will be in the middle of the properties window.
To get the pic to show on KS, you need to add image tags. Shown here with a space so they won't work:
and one more time without the spaces:
You can put as many of the addresses with tags as you want and you can type descriptions etc. between them.
Another pic posting trick:
I store all my pic address in a spreadsheet, I use lotus 123 but others should work the same. in one cell I put the pic description and in the adjacent cell I put the url with posting tags.
Then I just copy/paste whatever pics (with descriptions) I want to share. for example:
Albino Pos het anery 5/27/2005
Anery Het Albino 04/21/2005
Ghost 2005
Super Ghost 05/24/2005
----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty) 0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count (05/26/2009): 36.51 BRB 29.42 BCI And those are only the breeders
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats
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