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RE: Virtual tour of my snakerooms...

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Posted by: rainbowsrus at Mon Dec 21 12:14:34 2009   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]  


I'm still kinda in-between hobbiest and full time breeder. Still have a day job and yeah, lotsa hours go into cleaning and re-cleaning the cages. This weekend I went through a major clean, pretty much every cage, every tub was cleaned. Phew, was probably on the order of 16 hours spent on it.

That's a hard question re pets. There are many I'm attached to and will always have a home with me. And yeah, there are even more that are kept for their breeding potential, to be sold and traded up as time goes on. My goal being to improve the quality of my breeders and babies over time.

Income potential is very subjective, which litters take,which litter do not. What kind of babies are produced normals vs morphs. Retail vs wholesale etc. etc. Using every breeding cage I have, I could produce as many as 24 litters of BRB's and 14 litters of BCI. Excluding some of the really small litters I've produced litters with potential income ranging from $1K to $15K. I could see some litters be worth even more.

Dave Colling

0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty)
0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)

LOL, to many snakes to list, last count (05/26/2009):
36.51 BRB
29.42 BCI
And those are only the breeders

lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Virtual tour of my snakerooms... - JWilmot, Mon Dec 21 09:07:16 2009