Posted by:
at Fri Jan 29 21:11:00 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WSTREPS ]
(rapid peer reviewed publication)
That's interesting, I didn't know that credible unbiased scientific journals offered an express service. I would like to know how a scientific document gets slated for rapid peer review in an unbiased publication. I would also like to know what is meant by rapid? The process usually takes a while three or four months ? (rapid) to sometimes years – (depending on the field). The peer review process is part of the secret world of scientist. They submit their work for critique by a panel of faceless, nameless experts (referees) or better, double-blind reviewing (in theory, the referee does not know who the author is). After the work is evaluated its ether given a thumbs up or a thumbs down for "publication." The publications editor also plays a key role in the process. That's the general outline.
In the scientific community the peer review process is regarded by some as the ultimate stamp of approval as to the sound scientific quality of the authors work. Apparently Mazzotti feels he needs to add this gold seal of academic approval to validate his work and silence possible critics. The truth is, the peer review system does not ensure that only quality work based on sound unbiased and correctly executed scientific protocol gets published. As many scientist will attest to, The peer review system is highly flawed and unreliable in terms of filtering out the many pieces of scientific rubbish that are submitted. While not totally useless the system is far from a fail safe in terms of providing a gold seal of validation. Being subjected to the peer review system will nether validate or disqualify the credibility of Mazzotti's work, ........................if his work is good... fine, if its more of the usual crap it will still pass the peer review process so........................
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