Posted by:
at Sat Jan 30 10:14:00 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by boaphile ]
My take reading between the lines
First and foremost think about this. If the Burms in the Everglades that have radio transmitters did fine during the recent cold snap, that is NOT a story. Not in any way whatsoever. You see it only dipped to 36 degrees in Miami. It was a bit warmer than that in the Everglades. So a 100% survival rate is not news in any way. Consider the fact that the “scientist” Gordon Rodda, whose writings more closely parallel pulp fiction than science, says that Burmese Pythons will invade half of the United States. He argued that places that see temperatures far below those levels every year are prime habitat for feral Burmese Pythons. So a dip to 36 degrees is nothing compared to what they will endure even in North Florida let alone through Georgia and the Carolinians.
I have no idea how many Burmese are fitted with radio transmitters. But just for discussion, let’s say there are 10 animals in the study. Now we already know, thanks to the information graciously shared by Dr. Mazzotti that “pythons both survived and died during the cold period.” During the cold period. This is key. Why or how did they die precisely during the cold period? We don’t know yet. Dr Mazzotti is exercising restraint not speculating publicly on the cause of death and is waiting for the test results. Moreover, the precise cause of death is irrelevant for our purposes. The FACT is that DURING THE COLD SNAP Pythons died. If they equipped ten Burmese Pythons with transmitters a year ago and none of them died until this cold snap, THAT is HUGE! From that we can logically assume that the temperature has to be related to whatever they died of. Even colder temperatures would be even more detrimental to the Burms. This everyone knows already but the facts have in no way had any impact upon what Gordon Rodda et al have written about the Burmese Pythons that would have them transform to warm blooded animals, and perhaps grow fur, to survive north of even Central Florida during this cold snap.
It dipped to 14 degrees in Tallahassee in Northern Florida earlier this month! I wonder when those northward invading Burms will realize the need for either a nice fur coat in the winter time, or perhaps they will choose a Winnebago to give them relief from the temperature extremes that will otherwise kill them. Bring in the pall bearers. The fraud being sold to legislators and being misrepresented as “science” is exposed and the “papers” are dead, just like the invaders who didn’t see the cool, not cold, weather that crept quietly into Florida in early 2010. ----- Jeff Ronne Sr The Boaphile Director USARK
 Originator of Boaphile Plastics The Boaphile Boa Site
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