Posted by:
at Thu Jan 12 14:17:03 2012 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
Tony, original pair were "said" to have originated from authentic "canal stock" in southern Miami/Dade, but then again this is certainly no real surprise because it is a fairly common marketing ploy used to sell many generic floridana/brooksi type kings as many of us know..LOL!. I don't assume ANYTHING when it comes to this sort of stuff. I don't think mine originate from TWO locality-specific Miami/Dade brooksi at all as a matter of fact, although the female that produced mine did originate from southern Miami/Dade. The male however was of un-known lineage.
I have done more investigative research and corresponding in the past to find out as much as I possible can about them regarding their precise lineage from the breeder himself and where his stock also came from than anyone could possibly imagine. I also have a photo of the original unknown lineage male that was bred to the more classic looking light yellow female that did in fact originate from south Florida that produced the original "high-yellow" pair of hatchlings I acquired back in 2007.
I talked DIRECTLY to the breeder in person several times, as well as verified where his female originated from, and she did in fact originate from southern Miami/Dade canal stock. Nick Mesa and I have also corresponded many times in person and over the phone about them as well, because he personally knows the breeder extremely well and is personally VERY familiar with his collection of animals.
I am very familiar with TONS of the crosses and what they can look like phenotypically, and I have boat-loads of crossed photos to from a plethora of sources. I am also familiar with Krysko's "school bus" yellow stock originating from Hillsborough County, Andy Barr's crossed goini x floridana "Dream kings", and any other phenotype or bloodline anyone could possibly come up with to tell me about. I don't think there is anybody here that could tell me, show me, or point out to me something that I am already not very aware of as far as this stuff is concerned. I have always been the very first to say that this line definitely throws some very non-typical phenotypes here and there that do in fact resemble floridana x goini crosses. They also produce absolutely "text-book" brooksi phenotypes too.
Anyway, from what my original parent stock looks like, and the variation they can produce, as well as who they came from and where, and also comparing them to many of the original breeder's offspring and Nick's from his sulfur line, we have both concluded that mine have a great deal of sulfur influence in their lineage. Every single aspect of what I see in these and have thorougly investigated regarding them in the past leads me to believe they have a very strong "sulfur" stock background.
Now, If you look here on this link below on Nick's site, you will see four photos at the very top from his personal "sulfur" line that originates from Hillsborough County, and I can show you exact carbon copies of every single one of those phenotypes with many of the floridana in my collection, even the bizzare looking hatchling to the far left looks virtually identical to some I have produced from my stock here in the past....and I do mean identical in every single phenotypic key feature!...... "sulfur" line
----- "a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"
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