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RE: You can still keep em and breed em

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Posted by: DMong at Wed Jan 18 11:09:45 2012   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]  

" I'd hope it wouldn't lead to even more animals being dumped in the wild. That wouldn't reflect very well on herpeticulturusrs, but I worry it's a real possibility"

I'm afraid that will be a very REAL scenario Terry. It only makes good common sense that it would. The scary thing is that the lawmaker's are desperately trying to make a change, but don't know how to realistically go about it. This "change" will VERY likely back-fire and create even MORE large constrictor releases throughout the country than there ever was before. The hoorible part is none of this will be known for certain until it happens and is too late..............AGAIN!!!

Sort of like "spending a dollar to save a dime", more than defeats the entire purpose, it actually makes things much worse than if you never did anything in the first place...

Society does alot of things without knowing anything about what they are doing.....look at the Cane Toad thing. That was one of the biggest man-made ecological back-fire blunders in history that originated to "help" the environment, now they are rampant in Florida and Australia and kill-off other animals.

Every aspect of what was "supposed" to happen never did, even the stupid beetle's they were "supposed" to control were too high up the Cane stalks for the toads to even reach...DUUHHH!!!

I can guarantee this proposal won't do anything like it is meant to do either, it will simply be another huge "back-fire" blunder from our government that is merely 'portraying" they will make things better to upease the general masses that don't care, or know ANYTHING about snakes anyway.

On the other side of the coin though, something needs to happen with all of the irresponsible idiot's that own many of the large constrictors. But it is also impossible to outlaw stupidity, so what is one to do?????...

"a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"


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<< Previous Message:  RE: You can still keep em and breed em - rtdunham, Wed Jan 18 08:14:39 2012