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at Tue May 23 18:30:08 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by IllIlllIllIlIlIl ]
I don't believe anyone said a 55 gallon was too small for a hatchling. The one gentleman actually suggested it might be too large. For an adult RES, male of female, it is too small a tank though.
If you will actually read my post you see that I didnt suggest anyone said a 55 was too small.
I know the one gentleman suggested it might be too large, that is the idea that I am challenging.
A 1000 gallon aquarium is NOT too large for a hatchling turtle.
If any of you have ever observed baby RES in the wild, you will see that they dont live in 10 gallon puddles. They live in FULL SIZE ponds and lakes. Sure I have found them in small ditches before, but those ditches are the size of stock tanks and have hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water.
Turtles kept in too shallow of water will eventually "forget" how to swim. Once put in deeper water, they will struggle for a few minutes before remembering that they are actually expert swimmers. Captive care of turtles should more closely resemble natural conditions, unless you are running a turtle prison.
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