Posted by:
at Wed Aug 16 22:01:22 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gurinski ]
I cant help but to compare these lizards with chemeleons when I looked at this forum it was the first time I have seen one. Ive had the normal lizards monitors swifts and recently a bearded dragon but am looking to get a nice exotic. I was set on a chemeleon, but havnt got one becouse of the setup needs. I have a question, do these lizards need a misting system this is my major obstacle. I agee with you on the forum I also am always looking for new info and cant get it fast enough alot of the forums have the same questions on for days. Maybe its because of the hobby we chose you have to admit alot of people look at herps as creepy critters. Im just glad my wife loves them as much as I do.She even cried when our monitor "gurinski" died so I use his name in his honor. I think many of the people that use the forum are first timers and ask alot of novice questions Im just mad I found it so late and had to learn everything from my mistakes and whatever info I found in books. I plan to be on for awhile now and maybe we can share info again if I ever make my mind up.
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