Posted by:
at Wed Jan 10 20:42:47 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fireside3 ]
Your hydration technique is good.
If he has eaten since you took custody of him, and he has not defecated. Stop feeding him or trying to feed him. Having food intake and no waste indicates a possible life threatening problem. If that is the case, only give him filtered room temp water, and warm soaks. Also let us know if that is the case!
If he has not eaten and there has been no defecation; then that's normal.
If he is getting enough water, then occasionally you will find the whitish/yellow urate crystals. He will expel excess water he is storing along with any excess minerals or toxins. It might not happen regularly if he is not eating or defecating regularly. Just ensure that you do see him actually drinking by smacking his mouth.
As to his standing high on all fours above the sand...this sometimes happens when there are too many insects around with them, and making them nervous. Sometimes they do it to better grab their prey. But sometimes they do this when it is too hot for them, and they are trying to get off the sand.
Ensure that it is not too hot by keeping a thermometer in contact with the sand. If gets over 110 you could kill him. ----- "A man that should call everything by it's right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy." The Complete Works of George Savile, First Marquess of Halifax 1912,246
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