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RE: Macro Lense for Nikon D40

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Posted by: chrish at Mon Mar 19 15:06:26 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by chrish ]  

I was wondering what you guys would recommend as a macro lense for the Nikon D40? I just pick the camera up the other day, finally took the plunge into SLR's. I already purchased a Nikkor 55mm - 200mm and it came with the Nikkor 18mm - 55mm. So I'd like to stick with Nikkor lenses, I'm mostly interested in herp/nature pics, and hoping to spend under $300.

Unfortunately, there isn't a Nikkor macro lens in that price range. There are some macro zooms, but they aren't as sharp as the dedicated macro lenses.

Also, Nikon lenses are generally more expensive than the equivalent lenses in other brands, even though they don't score any higher (or even as high) in tests of lens quality. Nikon lenses are good lenses, they just aren't superior to Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Minolta/Sony, etc.

For a herp macro lens, you really need a lens in the 90-105mm range (effective FOV on digital would be 135-160mm). The nikon 60mm macro is a little too short with its 90mm effective FOV on a digital body. It would be the minimum I would consider and everything else being equal, I would lean towards a longer lens. It runs about $400 new but you may be able to pick one up used somewhere for less.

A better choice would be the Nikkor 105mm macro, but it runs $800 since Nikon includes VR in the lens.

Also worth looking at are the very fine macros from Sigma and Tamron. The Sigma 70mm macro is new and can be bought for around $429 and the excellent Sigma 105 macro is $400 as well.
The Tamron 90mm Di Macro generally outscores all these other lenses and costs $400 after the rebate ($489 $90 rebate right now).

So for your $400 you could get the Nikkor 60, the Sigma 105, or the Tamron 90mm Di. All three are excellent lenses but the 90mm Tamron is a better length for herps, IMHO (I am biased as I have this lens). The Sigma 70mm would also be great, but it is an extra $30.

If money were no object, the 105 VR Macro from Nikkor would be my choice. It doesn't score as high on lens quality tests as the others, but it does have VR. Since Nikon doesn't have in-body stabilization like some other brands do, VR can really make difference in the quality of your shots. It comes at a hefty price, unfortunately.
Chris Harrison
San Antonio, Texas


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